Post Town Station Seal Pilgrimage



The 14th post town station that prospered as a post town for worshiping Mt.Fuji since ancient times. It was originally located near Suruga Bay and has a history of being moved inland twice due to damage from high waves. Mt. Fuji, which can be seen on the right side on the way from Edo to Kyoto, can be seen on the left in front of our post town station. This is why it is called "Left Fuji" and is popular as a scenic location. "Left Fuji Shrine" is highly spiritual and has the benefit of fulfilling your wishes, and has attracted the faith of local residents. Our post town station is at the entrance of the Tokaido road for climbing Mt.Fuji. It is said that Mt.Fuji climbing starts from here.

Roadside Station Fujikawa Rakuza 1F, Fujikawa Rakuza Travel Center (Fujikawa Machizukuri Co., Ltd.)

Fujikawa Rakuza is a scenic roadside station in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, offering easy access from highways and local roads, with a stunning view of the World Heritage Mt. Fuji.

Sales location information

〒421-3305 1488-1 Iwabuchi, Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Business hours
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Regular holidays
Open year-round (temporary closures possible)
1-minute walk from JR Tokaido Main Line, Fujikawa Station, Yamanashi Kotsu Bus Stop at Fujikawa Rakuza
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